Good to know about the European Bowling Tour
Tournaments adopted in the tour
Starting in 2000, ETBF has organized 19 European Bowling Tours including a total of 297 stops with 67 different tournaments. The famous Ballmaster Open in Helsinki is the only tournament having joined the tour since the beginning in 2000.
Number of participants in stops
This document includes the number of male and female athletes having bowled in all stops conducted since 2000. The document offers a page for each year, a page with totals for each year and a page with averages for each year.
High attendance in stops
In the document you will find two tales of exclusivity, one including tour stops with 1.000 or more bowled entries and another including tour stops attended by 400 or more athletes.
Prize pool per year
In the beginning of the tour history, the average prize pool per stop were relatively low, but later the level of the average prize pools has been somewhere between 50.000 and 60.000 € per year. The prize pools were peaking just before the financial crises and then dropping to a lower level the following years, somehow because of the financial crises, somehow because tournaments with a lower prize pool minimum (The Satellites) were introduced.
Highest positioned in the Men’s Division: Quick Overview
This list includes the number of times per year an athlete has been the highest positioned Man in a tour stop. The list gives furthermore a quick overview of the total number of highest ranked positions for each male athlete since 2000, but it does not inform in which stops the athletes were highest positioned.
Highest positioned and titleholders in the Men’s Division
For each athlete, who have been the highest ranked man in one or more tour stops since 2000, the list includes information about the total number of highest ranked positions, in which stops the athlete were highest positioned and whether the athlete also won the stop, in which he was the highest positioned male player.
In the entire history of the tour there have been 17 stops with separated men’s and women’s divisions. Since the number of tournaments conducted 2000-2018 is 297, the number of titleholders in the same period is therefore 314.
Highest positioned in the Women’s Division: Quick Overview
This list includes the number of times per year an athlete has been the highest positioned Woman in a tour stop. The list gives furthermore a quick overview of the total number of highest ranked positions for each female athlete since 2000, but it does not inform in which stops the athletes were highest positioned.
Highest positioned and titleholders in the Women’s Division
For each athlete, who have been the highest ranked woman in one or more tour stops since 2000, the list includes information about the total number of highest ranked positions, in which stops the athlete were highest positioned and whether the athlete also won the stop, in which she was the highest positioned female player.
Tour stops won by a Woman
This document includes a list of stops, which were won by a woman. In 297 stops conducted from 2000 to 2018, there have been 17 stops with separated divisions, in which there were both a male and a female winner. Over the same 19 years there have been 280 stops, each with one mixed division, of which 37 stops were won by a woman.
EBT Winners Men
The 19 overall tour titles in the Men’s Division has been divided between only 9 athletes, starting with Gery Verbruggen from Belgium, who took the first four titles 2000-2003.
EBT Winners Women
The 19 overall tour titles in the Women’s Division has been divided between 10 athletes, starting with Kamilla Kjeldsen from Denmark in 2000.
EBT Masters Winners Men
In the first years of the European Bowling Tour, the final of ETBF’s tour was combined with similar tours in ABF and PABCON under the name World Ranking Masters. A system where the final is based only on the two standings in the EBT was created in 2007, starting with the EBT Masters 2008 as the final of the EBT 2007. This system is still used in the EBT.
EBT Masters Winners Women
In the first years of the European Bowling Tour, the final of ETBF’s tour was combined with similar tours in ABF and PABCON under the name World Ranking Masters. A system where the final is based only on the two standings in the EBT was created in 2007, starting with the EBT Masters 2008 as the final of the EBT 2007. This system is still used in the EBT.